May 17 will be here before we know it!
10 months ago, Kimi Copeland
In order to honor the life of Jaxon Dugger, Hollis Public Schools will have an early release at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. All bus routes will run at 12:00 p.m. Please continue to keep this family in your prayers. Jaxon certainly left his mark on many hearts and this world is a better place because he was in it!
10 months ago, Jennifer McQueen
Hollis High School has moved the state mandated Junior ACT to April 16th.
10 months ago, Lisa Daniel
Congratulations to these two for placing at the Southwestern Interscholastic Meet (SWIM)!!! Paula Salamanca 1st in Economics and Daniel Borjas Torres 2nd Advanced Music Theory Well done!
10 months ago, Lisa Daniel
Solar Eclipse Precautions for Hollis Public Schools The 2024 Solar Eclipse will happen on Monday, April 8th, 2024, and we are excited for the educational opportunities centered around this historic event. Western Oklahoma is not in the “path of totality”, meaning that we will not see the moon completely cover the sun, but we will be able to see some coverage of the sun by the moon. This process will begin around 12:22 PM and end just after 2:59 PM, with a maximum sun coverage occurring at approximately 1:40 PM. Safety is our number one priority. We want to take all precautionary measures with students to make this experience both safe and enjoyable. For maximum safety, lower elementary and special needs students will participate in indoor afternoon recesses and activities during the Eclipse window. All classes are welcome to view the eclipse looking out the windows that are not in line with the sun and watching the live feed from NASA. Upper Elementary, Middle School and High School will still be able to transition from building to building and follow lunch routines, as well as athletes being able to practice. However, staff will explain to these more mature students that they should not look at the sun in the timeline designated above to protect their eyes. Parents are also asked to talk about this safety precaution at home. Should Science teachers decide to use this time for a learning lab parents will receive a permission slip prior to and educators will do so with proper safety equipment, limited exposure and extreme caution. Please support our measures by talking with your children about the importance of not looking directly at the sun without proper eye protection. Please note that homemade filters or ordinary sunglasses, even very dark ones, are not safe for looking at the sun, so we ask that students do not bring devices for viewing the eclipse from home. Students should not be permitted to look at the sun through unfiltered cellphone cameras, digital cameras, telescopes, binoculars, or other optical devices, with or without glasses. (For more information regarding the safe viewing of the eclipse, please visit If you would like to additional information about the eclipse, NASA has produced a website that can be accessed at: We appreciate your continued support and understanding.
10 months ago, Jennifer McQueen
Hollis Public Schools Job Opportunties
11 months ago, Amy Estes
job openings
Mrs. Amy Estes, Principal of Sallie Gillentine Elementary School, was elected as OAESP President-Elect! Oklahoma Association of Elementary School Principals supports elementary and middle level principals to improve PK-8 education in Oklahoma! Congratulations Mrs. Amy Estes! Thank you for your leadership and dedication to Hollis Public Schools and public education. We are proud of you 🐅
11 months ago, Kimi Copeland
Katie Ayden Long has been chosen by the 71 Sorosis club to be the Outstanding Senior of the month! Congratulations! Well done!
11 months ago, Lisa Daniel
Ayden Long
Hollis Public Schools is not in session for students on Friday March 15th. This time is reserved for educators, parents and guardians to conference about academic growth and student needs. Please plan to attend 7:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
11 months ago, Amy Estes
Some of our National Honor Society members volunteered at the Regional Food Bank in Oklahoma City today. Service is a pillar of the National Honor Society. We had a great time serving!
11 months ago, Lisa Daniel
To reserve a spot in next year’s Pre-K stop by the elementary school for a registration packet!😃 We need copies of: Most current shot record, birth certificate, parent ID, social security card and of course the enrollment forms📚 We want everyone who is four or turning four before Sept. 1st to be part of the 24-25 Pre-K Adventure!🙌🏼
12 months ago, Amy Estes
Pre-K enrollment
Reminder the fafsa workshop is today at 5:30!
12 months ago, Lisa Daniel
Reminder, fafsa workshop today at 5:30
Progress Reports are being sent home TODAY with your child!!!
12 months ago, Kimi Copeland
Progress Reports
Hollis Public Schools will release Progress Reports tomorrow. Due to unforeseen circumstances the date as moved to Feb. 16th.
12 months ago, Amy Estes
12 months ago, Lisa Daniel
71 Sorosis Club has chosen Josh Theademan to be the Outstanding Senior for the month of February! Congratulations Josh! Well done!!!!
about 1 year ago, Lisa Daniel
Hollis Public Schools Monday, February 12, 2024 Late Start 9:00 a.m. Custodial, Office Staff, Administration 9:40 a.m. Teachers and Support Staff 9:55 a.m. STUDENTS ARRIVE 10:00 a.m. CLASS STARTS No A.M. Bus Routes; No Breakfast; SWTC is CLOSED tomorrow for students
about 1 year ago, Jennifer McQueen
Late Start
Hollis Public Schools will start at 10:00 AM on Monday FEB. 12th. NO AM BUS ROUTES or BREAKFAST. Reporting Times: 9:00 am Custodians, Office 9:40 am Teachers, Support 9:55 am Students Arrive 10:00 am Class Starts
about 1 year ago, Amy Estes
late start
Hollis Public Schools is not open for vendor deliveries of Valentine gifts to campus. Please make arrangements for these expressions of LOVE to be exchanged at home.
about 1 year ago, Amy Estes
Hollis Public Schools is accepting bids January 31, 2024 to February 14, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. for lawn maintenance to begin April 1, 2024. Lawn maintenance includes the following at the campuses of Hollis High/Middle School and Sallie Gillentine Elementary School: mow grass once a week, edge, control weeds in flower beds, keep shrubs and plants trimmed and shaped, and walk areas cleaned and weed controlled. If interested in placing a bid, please contact Jennifer McQueen at 580-706-6400 or submit a bid to Hollis Public Schools- -Jennifer McQueen - - Lawn Maintenance Bid - - PO Box 193 Hollis, OK 73550/
about 1 year ago, Jennifer McQueen